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Tara Bradley

Coming from a long line of Intuitive /Psychics, the energy Tara taps into to read your tea leaves, knows no bounds. There is no limit on distance or locality.  Collective Knowledge is unrestrained, uninhibited and is everywhere at all points.

When Tara reads your tea leaves she also ‘reads your soul’ and the messages are exactly YOURS. The tea leaves are full of symbols that are received, interpreted, and translated through her energy, your energy, and Source energy. Tara’s clients are always amazed at the accuracy and relevancy of their readings, and how the messages get right to the heart of what they truly need. Those who receive a reading from Tara walk away with a strong sense of clarity, understanding, and personal empowerment. Sometimes we just aren’t as in tune as we would like to be.

Often times, because we look at and experience life through our own specific lenses and filters, we can benefit from the objective messages of a connected and in-tune "third party". Tara’s readings cut through the blocks and filters and open the windows of clarity and understanding. Tara can be reached on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TaraBradleyIntuitive/, by phone at 250-306-0110, or through email at tjbradleymail@gmail.com